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Whole Food Supplements
I am a firm believer and have been adding organic raw whole food supplements to our birds nutrition for years.
Our whole food supplements are all human grade, easy and convenient to implement and are meant to be part of a diverse nutrition routine.
In collaboration with China Prairie, we now have several formulations available in a glass refillable shaker jar where you can easily sprinkle them on fresh foods or even their dry mix before serving such as Nourish!, Dreamy! Dust, Garden! Dust and Go! Green Dust. Our probiotic also is available called Enhance!.
When it comes to Coconut Oil and Palm Oil which are also great supplements for all birds, here’s some of my reasons and my opinions to consider adding these to the diversity you offer your bird:
Organic Coconut Oil
I believe it protects them from disease as it may help protect them from cell-damaging free radicals. I also believe it helps to boost and regulate their metabolism to keep their weight under control.
The biggest reasons for me are:
Organic coconut oil is jam-packed with lauric acid, which supports the immune system and since its high in lauric it actually may reduce the activity of the fungus, bacteria, and viruses that cause various illnesses. Also I believe it promotes heart health. An added bonus?: it’s also great for beak conditioning and minor abrasions
Organic Palm Oil
My main reason to offer this regularly to my flock is for insuring they have ample Vitamin A.
In my opinion, Red palm oil has great health benefits and is a highly concentrated source of Vitamin A, with 15 times more carotenoids than carrots (you can tell by the beautiful, rich red color). Vitamin A is one of those areas that birds on processed diets or not a diverse enough diets seem to lack.
How I offer these great oils:
1. Smear it on a favorite raw food such as sliced bananas (I try to switch off every other day between oils)
2. I also add both oils to my Kramer’s Bird Bread from TOPs Parrot Food to sneak in the added nutrition
3. I don’t exactly measure but I would say about 1/4 teaspoon per serving for a medium size and large size bird